Thank you for supporting the ministry efforts of Front Line Ministries. Your generous support is helping us to share the love of Jesus Christ and to advance the Gospel of His Kingdom across our state, the nation, and around the world!
We value every single contribution we receive, regardless of how big or how small, and we strive to ensure that our ministry
is a healthy model for biblical stewardship. Our deepest desire is to give God glory in all we do, and to offer Him our very best as we do it. Your faithful and generous support helps us to accomplish that goal!
Thank you for your generosity!
* Front Line Ministries (FLM) is a state & nationally recognized 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. All gifts are 100% tax deductible.
Contribution statements are cumulative over a 12-month period, and issued electronically by or before the end of January of the new year.
As Front Line Ministries (FLM) returns to its roots as a pure apostolic ministry, we are committed to re-establishing the
Financial Investment Team (F.I.T.) that once existed, prior to our move to Burnet, TX in 2004. At that time, we had
over 150 individual FIT members and over 60 churches & businesses from across the nation,
that supported our vision to call the modern-day church back to its New Testament intended purpose ...
As we seek to restore the F.I.T. in the immediate days ahead, will YOU prayerfully consider joining us?