In fact, such miracle ARE still taking place today … in the places where the truth is taught and the people believe! There are millions of believers in the world today for whom miracles are a [SUPER -TO-THE] natural part of life. I know, because I AM ONE OF THEM!

It is being reported today that, in China, 50-75 million believers have come to faith in Jesus Christ as a result of witnessing the miraculous power of God being released through Jesus-followers. Deng Zhaoming, the chief editor of the ecumenical Chinese magazine Bridge, recently wrote, “In the church in China, at least 50% of Christians claim to have become followers of Christ as a result of witnessing remarkable healings taking place within their families, at the command of those who claim to believe in Jesus.

Be assured, miracles are not reserved for those who lived long ago, nor just those who live today in foreign lands. Miracles are intended for YOU … TODAY! God wants every believer to live a supernatural life, bathed in the divine empowerment (grace) of an Almighty Creator! He intends for The Church to operate in the same power NOW, as it operated in THEN … at its creation in Acts 2. The problem is not that miracles, signs & wonders have ceased, it’s that the modern-day church has ceased to “equip the saints” to be who they were empowered to be on The Day of Pentecost! Most Christians today have never been taught to operate in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit!

So, to wrap up this series of blogs on Living a Supernatural Life, I’ve highlighted two (2) very important things about the early church …

  • it moved in CONTINUAL REVIVAL! By the ever-present & active power of the Holy Spirit, it grew explosively; nothing or no one had the power to stop it!
  • it moved in SUPERNATURAL POWER! Jesus-followers were viewed as “miracle-workers”. Signs. wonders, & supernatural healings were an expected part of the life of the church!

    Neither of these things “just happened”; they did not occur by accident. They were a divinely-designed part of the plan that Jesus had for His church. In the days ahead, I will begin to write more specifically about that plan!  

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