In John 14:12 Jesus promised ...

"He who believes in Me, the works that I do, you shall do also; and even GREATER works than these shall you do, because I go to The Father."  [emphasis added]

I cross paths with few Christians today who seem to actually take this verse seriously! There is almost no expectation these days for believers to actually do the same things that Jesus did ... and certainly not "greater things". Yet, unless you can prove to me differently, I find this verse to be just as much of a promise as John 3:16 ... maybe even a COMMISSION!

If we truly believe the Word of God, we have to see that Jesus is making an incredible offer here. He is saying that, if we truly believe in who He is, and are willing to exercise our faith in His promises, we WILL see MIRACLES, SIGNS, & WONDERS ... both IN and THROUGH our lives!

There is no "fine print" here; no exclusions or exceptions. And this offer DID NOT expire with the death of the last of the 1st Century apostles, nor at the canonization of the 66 books of The Bible!

The early church walked in the reality of this promise, and so can ... SHOULD we!

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